Run Catalina has been on the forefront on the sustainability of endurance sports for several years. Our most successful initiative to date has been to reduce the waste of cups in the Interior by making all of our Run Catalina events Cupless. In 2019 the Catalina Island Marathon applied for recognition as a sustainable event through the Council for Responsible Sport. Here are some of the initiatives that may be of interest and are important to recognize
In cooperation with our host, Love Catalina, the Catalina Island Triathlon is a CUPLESS COURSE! For hydration, participants can purchase reusable soft-cup. Participants may also provide their own hydration system. Thank you for helping us reduce the footprint on the island! You must have your own hydration system or purchase a reusable and collapsible cup from our store. There will be cups provided to start the run at the transition area, these will be biodegradable cups and should be disposed in compost bins.
Post Race Food/Fluid
We endeavor to use as many local suppliers as we can on the island, this includes locally grown or sourced food, snacks, protein bars, etc. This will include eliminating single serve bottles of water at the finish. We will instead of water poured into your cup, or through a touchless, foot pedal, system.
Catalina Cares
See what the community of Catalina is working on to take their community sustainable - Catalina Cares